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Come Out of Bondage into the Land of Freedom – Led by the Angels of Love!
Metaphysical Application Ideas for the Weekly Bible Lesson for June 9-15, 2008
Subject: “God the Preserver of Man”
Prepared by Kathy Fitzer, C.S. of St. Louis, MO

Editor’s Note:
The following application ideas for this week and Possible Sunday School Topics that follow are offered primarily to help CEDARS campers and staff (as well as friends) see and demonstrate the great value of daily study and application of the Christian Science Bible lessons year-round, not just at camp! You can sign up to have them emailed to you free — in English by Monday or Tuesday each week, or by each Wednesday you can get a FREE TRANSLATION in French from Pascal, in Spanish from Ana or in German by Gabriele. JUST SIGN UP at

As you study the lesson this week, consider what it is that would hold you in bondage – a bad relationship, stubborn bad habits or so-called character flaws, regret, time, disease, fear? Whatever it is, this Lesson teaches us how God leads us through the wilderness of despair, meeting every need along the way, and delivers us into the Promised Land of the consciousness of Truth. Courage and obedience are required, but you have that! You are one with God. Call upon His goodness. The angels answer.

Golden Text:
Wherever you are, the angel of the Lord (God’s spiritual idea that lights your path – Misc. 306-307) has literally set up camp and is providing for EVERY need! Your job is to fear (that is, RESPECT – stand in awe of) the omnipotence of God. Just be still – quiet your thought – and trust the power of the angels.

Responsive Reading:
It’s easy to forget that God’s angels are surrounding us when we feel engulfed by the “enemy.” That enemy may not look like the army of Syria that closed in on Elisha and his servant. But a time crunch, a heavy workload, looming decisions, desperate world conditions, or suggestions of disease and danger of any kind may seem just as threatening. It’s important that we not be mesmerized by, fearful of, or overwhelmed by what appears to be. Now, as then … “they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” The right ideas are present and sufficient to meet every challenge that comes our way. Let’s pray that God will open OUR eyes that we may see His power – His angels – round about us!

Section 1: Respond to the angels; free the enslaved
What would hold us – or our world – in bondage today? Fear? Disease? Tyranny? Lack? Unhappiness? Is there anything we can do about it? The Bible says that the Lord is near them that call upon him, and preserves them that love him. (B-2) Does that mean that God isn’t there for everyone? Of course not. Love is infinite! But, we have to slow down long enough to pay attention to His presence, if we’re going to be aware of His help. Moses NOTICED the burning bush and loved God enough to stop and respond to His call. (B-3) Turn off the iPod and stop running around “doing stuff” long enough to hear God speaking to YOU. Just as the radio waves are always out there, we need to “tune in” in order to get the message.
Moses wasn’t the one in trouble – at least not at that moment, – but his alertness, and willingness to lean on God’s angel presence enabled him to respond to God in order that he might lead others to freedom. In order to lean on the sustaining infinite, we have to be close to – have our consciousness in line with – infinite Mind.
(S-1) Moses’ intuition had always told him that slavery and cruelty weren’t right. Don’t we also intuitively know that evil and limitation of any kind are not God’s will for His people? So, don’t settle for anything less than good – for yourself or others. As we slow down long enough to acknowledge God’s presence, we, too, can have burning-bush experiences. The angels – “God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality” – are all around you – “counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality.” (S-3) Stay alert so that you don’t put up with even the subtle stuff that would enslave you – or the world. That includes giving too much attention to the body, thinking you are too busy to pray, or accepting any kind of limitation. Stay alert! Listen to the quiet angel thoughts that we might call our conscience. How can divine inspiration enable you to also help your neighbor – or the world? Rather than getting caught up in how bad things are – or so comfortable that you don’t even realize how enslaving matter is – acknowledge the angels and let them deliver you – and those you think about! (S-5)

Section 2: Trust the path – follow God’s leading
As a kid, I took sailing lessons. The final day we sailed to an island. Everyone else was tacking across the wind – as we had been taught. That was way too indirect for me. I decided to take the shorter path. Oops! Sailing right into the wind doesn’t work. MY way took me a lot longer. God led the children of Israel out of Egypt the long way around because they were unprepared to battle the Philistines. (B-5) What if they hadn’t been willing to listen? They would have surely stalled (as I did in my sailboat) – or worse. We need to remember – in EVERYTHING we do – that God is leading. (B-6) As we trust that fact, and don’t waste effort trying to figure things out ourselves, we WILL hear the angel voices directing us at every turn. (B-7) The voice may come in different forms – loud or soft, seemingly logical or illogical – but, as we listen, we feel settled. Put off the belief that there is more than one mind. Your job is to yield (give way) to the fact that Mind made you as idea and directs you – as idea. A cartoon character doesn’t think for itself. It responds to the pen of the animator. We can respond that way, too, as we get rid of the belief that we have a life and mind separate from God. (S-6) Plodding along through the darkness of self-reliant material sense, the path through the wilderness can seem really long, complicated, and scary. But, when the light of spiritual sense acknowledges the ever-presence of guardian angels (spiritual intuitions) that same wilderness suddenly comes alive with hope and evidence of good. (S-7 & 8) Cultivate the qualities involved in spiritual sense – intuition, hope, faith – and watch what comes next – understanding, fruition, reality. We have a choice. As long as we cling to the testimony of the mortal senses, and think we have to figure things out ourselves, we will feel stuck – bouncing back and forth like a confined pin-ball – alternating between the ups and downs of pleasure and pain, hope and fear, good and bad. But, accepting your role as a spiritual idea (governed by Mind) you are free to express your full potential – and be directed with as much purpose as individual notes and numbers. Unlimited possibilities for good await you as you yield to GOD’S plan and are led! (S-9)

Section 3: Go forward! A right idea can’t be stopped
Sometimes it seems as though you’ve followed the angel message, and then something happens that would stop you in your tracks. Imagine how the children of Israel must have felt with the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them! Do you ever feel that way when something you thought was healed suddenly comes back or gets worse? Or it seems that you get backed into a corner, even though you were trying to do the right thing? Fear is always the thing you really have to handle. And, so the first thing Moses told the people was to NOT be afraid, but just stand STILL so they could hear God’s voice and be saved. When things seem the worst, it is most important to refuse to be afraid and just be still. The temptation may have been for Moses (or others) to look for an alternate route. We might start re-thinking the direction we’ve been taking. But, God’s response was, “What are you waiting for? God forward!” Moses was told to stretch out his shepherd’s rod. He had already learned to throw down the rod of personal responsibility (the serpent)and fearlessly pick it up, recognizing the governing authority of God. It was this authority that enabled the Israelites to pass through the sea on dry ground, and protected them from the Egyptians. (B-8)

We, too, will go through trials and face what appear to be dead-ends. (S-10) Christian Science (and your practice of it) will be resisted by different theories about medicine and religion and by the challenges and comforts of a material world. (S-11) What will you do about it? Will you just give in and let your journey to total freedom over the limitations of matter be stopped by beliefs opposed to Christian Science – including suggestions that it is just too hard – or inconvenient – to be a Christian Scientist? Do you really want to remain a slave to mortal sense? Science can’t be stopped. You choose whether or not to give up a material sense of existence for the glory (the expansive brilliance) of the realm of God. (S-12) The fact is, there really isn’t any power other than God. Accept that and go forward! (S-13)

Section 4: Love meets every need! Miracles are natural!

God doesn’t take us part way, and then expect us to figure out the details. It is tempting sometimes to feel that God has deserted us, or to think that maybe we misunderstood God’s direction. The children of Israel evidently felt that way when they realized they had no food or water. But, God always has an answer, and revealed it to Moses. If Moses hadn’t trusted God’s care, is it possible that manna wouldn’t have been recognized as food? (B-10) What if Moses hadn’t listened (or laughed at the suggestion) when God told him to take his rod – the symbol of divine power – and strike a rock in order to get water. (B-11) The human need being met in this seemingly miraculous way, the people were willing to continue their journey and trust Moses’ leadership. (B-12)

Why should we think that today’s food, water, and gas shortages are beyond God’s control any more than they were centuries ago? We must not limit God! (S-18) Do we accept the statement that is so familiar to us, “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need”? (S-14) We must not waver in our understanding that miracles are NATURAL! (S-16) Rather than get absorbed in the seemingly desperate conditions present in the world today, we need to deepen our level of trust. Just as Love blessed the Israelites, divine Principle, Love is sustaining all people in all lands today. As we steadfastly recognize that “God, the Father and Mother of all” is able to feed and clothe man as naturally has he does the lilies, we too will entertain angels, and evidence of their provision will become evident! (S-17) As Christian Scientists, we must expect and entertain the unexpected angels! (S-15)

Section 5: Continuous and uninterrupted care – Have the courage and strength to depend on it!
Moses was there to provide leadership to the Children of Israel as long as they needed him. They were completely cared for throughout the wilderness experience. Their clothes even lasted! (B-14) But, they had to understand that MOSES wasn’t the source of their salvation. If you’re tempted to think that good (your security, well-being, or joy) comes from a family member or a friend or a particular spiritual leader, remember the source is always God! And, if you’re the one people are depending on, it’s at least as important that you realize it is not YOU doing the doing. Responsibility does not wear one out. Look at Moses – he was as strong as ever and his vision was still intact when he was 120 years old. (B-15) The angels are ALWAYS there – meeting every need! Moses’ last instruction to the people was that they be strong and courageous. He assured them they would be successful as they observed God’s law. (B-16) It was up to Joshua to lead the people into the Promised Land. God promised to be with Joshua, as He had been with Moses – to not fail nor forsake him. God doesn’t fail or forsake us either! As Moses faced the Red Sea, Joshua faced the flooding Jordan River. Like Moses, Joshua called on God’s authority. The people purified themselves before embarking on their journey. Do we take time to cleanse our thought of fear, regret, self-righteousness, etc. before we proceed with what we need to do? It wasn’t until the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant (representing the presence of God and His law) put their feet in the water, that the river parted. (Joshua 3: 15) The ark remained there until all crossed safely. (B-17)

At times, we are each faced with apparent obstacles that would stop our forward journey. We need to have the moral courage (in contrast to animal courage) to press on. This courage involves wrestling with, and overcoming, anything that doesn’t correspond to God’s law – using the 10 Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount as our guide.(S-20) Press on with diligence (constant effort), promptness (readiness; quickness of decision or action; cheerful willingness), and perseverance (persistence) as you achieve the high purpose God has prepared for you. (S-21) And remember to ALWAYS stay in the presence of God by being “absolutely governed by divine Love, — by Spirit, not by matter.” (S-22) Just as the currents of a river carve away the rock and make the river deep and smooth, the currents of spirituality (health, purity, and self-immolation [destruction of a false sense of self] carve away the debris and allow us to see our nature as pure and perfect. Sin, disease, and death then are seen as impositions that have no place in our experience. Love and Love’s angels remove them! (S-23)

Section 6: Jesus leads us out of all bondage
Moses and Joshua led people out of physical slavery. By his example Jesus led mankind out of ALL bondage! Again, the power wasn’t in the personality of these individuals, but in the nature of Christ which brings eternal freedom from all limitations. Christ was made evident to this age through Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of Christian Science! How often do we read of Jesus’ compassion! It was Love and a response to that Love that washed away the imposition of leprosy. (B-20) And Mrs. Eddy writes that it was her desire to save people from “the slavery of their own beliefs and from the educational systems of the Pharoahs” that prompted her to persist until Love led her into “the land of Christian Science, where fetters fall and the rights of man are fully known and acknowledged.” (S-27) What educational systems are we suffering under today? Take a close look, and you may discover more than you first thought. Don’t forget to consider the “pleasures” of matter as well as the “pains.” Both ends of the spectrum would enslave us if we’re not alert. We need to fully accept the promise of the 91st Psalm. God is our place of shelter and protection and you can trust in Him! His angels are ALWAYS present to guide, protect, and free you from anything that would try to catch you in a trap (even your own thoughts) or plague you with any kind of sickness or disaster. No matter how disgusting or scary or offensive (or attractive in an addictive way) something is, Love’s angels are there to provide answers and lead you through. (B-21) Jesus came to show us we can – and must – demand perfection! Not human perfectionism, but the perfect reflection of a perfect God! (S-24 & 25) Harmony IS. We don’t have to get back to it. (S-28) We just have to clear off the debris in thought so we can see what God has created. The crew of an aircraft carrier has to be certain the deck is absolutely debris- free for the planes. Clear the deck of thought – leaving not even a tiny speck of error. The angels are ready to land and lead!
The weekly Metaphysical Newsletter is provided at no charge to the 1,200 campers & staff blessed each summer at CEDARS, as well as to CEDARS alumni, families and friends who request it. However, current and planned gifts are needed to defray the costs of running this service and of providing camperships, programs and operations support. Click here to read fruitage due to your help; to review current Operational needs; and to see our Annual Appeal. Click for more about how you can give online or to talk privately about how to make a special gift to help perpetuate CEDARS work.

With the belief of an economic slow-down, home mortgage challenges and high fuel prices, about $80,000 more for campership will be needed this summer than was granted for 2007. Thanks to recent gifts from generous Board members and other supporters “only” $9.5k is still needed by our June 11th 1st Session to assure the attendance of all the 2008 campers who are eager to come! PLEASE LET POTENTIAL CAMPERS KNOW OF THIS PROVISION OF LOVE that is daily being loved into view!
Your needed and very welcome, tax-deductible support can be mailed to:
CEDARS Campership Fund
1314 Parkview Valley Drive
Manchester, MO 63011

Camp Director’s Note: This sharing is the latest in an ongoing, seven-year series of CedarS Bible Lesson “mets” (metaphysical application ideas) contributed weekly by a rotation of CedarS Resident Practitioners and occasionally by other metaphysicians. (To keep the flow of the practitioner’s ideas intact and to allow for more selective printing the “Possible Sunday School Topics” and Homework options come on a following page or subsequent email.) This weekly email (and website posting) is intended to encourage further study and application of ideas in the lesson and to invigorate Sunday School participation by students and by the budding teachers on our staff. Originally sent JUST to campers, staff and CedarS families who wanted to continue at home and in their home Sunday Schools the same type of focused Lesson study, application and inspiration they had felt at camp, CedarS lesson “mets” are in no way meant to be definitive or conclusive or in any way a substitute for daily study of the lesson. The thoughts presented are the inspiration of the moment and are offered to give a bit more dimension, background and new angles on daily applicability to some of the ideas and passages being studied. The weekly Bible Lessons are copyrighted by the Christian Science Publishing Society and are printed in the Christian Science Quarterly as available at Christian Science Reading Rooms or online at or The citations referenced (i.e. B1 and S28) from this week’s Bible Lesson in the “met” (metaphysical application ideas) are taken from the King James Version of the Bible (B1-24) and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. (S1-30) The Bible and Science and Health are the ordained pastor of the Churches of Christ, Scientist. The Bible Lesson is the sermon read in Christian Science church services throughout the world. The Lesson-Sermon speaks individually through the Christ to everyone, providing unique insights and tailor-made applications for each one. We are glad you requested this metaphysical sharing and hope that you find some of these ideas helpful in your daily spiritual journey, in your deeper digging in the books and in closer bonding with your Comforter and Pastor. Have fun unwrapping, cherishing and sharing your special, spiritual gift(s)!
Warren Huff, Camp Director, (636) 394-6162
Possible Sunday School Topics by Merrill Boudreaux
for the lesson: “God The Preserver of Man” on 6-15-08

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Golden Text and Responsive Reading] – What are angels? Please see the whole definition in S&H 581. Why did the angels come to Elisha and not to the King of Syria? If angels did come to the King of Syria, what might they say to him?

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 1] – Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The Old Testament assigns to the angels…different offices.”
Do you know the angel names given to these offices and what their roles are? See S&H 566: 30-3.
What did the angel say to Moses when he was keeping the flock of his father-in-law? See Ex. 3.
In the wilderness, the solitary place, Moses heard the voice of God as an angel message.

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 2] –
On the journey, called the Exodus (Do you know the definition of Exodus?) how did God appear to the Children of Egypt? What forms did the angel messages take? What was required of the Children of Egypt to receive these messages? See Prov. 3: 5, 6 and Isa. 30: 21.
What is trust? Have you ever trusted anyone? What allows you to trust someone?

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 3] – Once again Moses talked with God and God’s angels came to the rescue. How? See Ex. 14.
How does Mary Baker Eddy define the Red Sea? See S&H 566: 1-9.
The American president, Franklin Roosevelt, said to the American people during The Great Depression, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Fear is often referred to as an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. What are some techniques you use to tell the difference between false evidence and true evidence? In a trial in thought, which evidence prosecutes, or persecutes, and which evidence defends?

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 4] – What angel messages appeared to the Children of Israel in this section? What was the Bible’s message to the Children of Israel and to us about manna? Have you ever had to trust an idea you had, even when you couldn’t see the whole picture? Why did you do that? Were the events about the Children of Israel’s journey in Exodus miracles? What does Mary Baker Eddy say about miracles? See S&H 134: 31-32. See also S&H 494: 10-15.

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 5] –
God’s angels continue through all time. Who lead the Children of Israel after Moses was no longer with them? See Joshua 1: 1, 5, 7.
The Ark of the Covenant, which the priests took to lead the Children of Israel, contained what precious documents? (The Ten Commandments) The lid of the ark had two figures on the top. What do you think the figures were? What is another name for cherubim? Of course these angels were symbols for the Children of Israel and helped them have courage on their long journey. What Bible figure do you think Mary Baker Eddy refers to as “moral courage”? See S&H 592: 11.

Possible Sunday School Topic [P.S.S.T. – Section 6] –
One of the most beautiful Psalms ties our lesson together. Please read Psalm 91 and pick out some of the images or words we have been talking about. Underline, write down, or state at least five promises from God to us in Psalm 91.

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