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Ken Cooper shares poetry inspired by Bible citations that celebrate the wonder of ALL as God spiritually created it!
(Citations from this week’s Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson on:

For Sunday, June 18, 2023

  • Click “God the Only Cause and Creator” to listen to Sue reading this poem on YouTube. [..creation-glory mirrors forth From man and rock and flower]
  • Click “Ye are the Light of the World” to hear Ken’s poem on YouTube [I am an eternal candle, always alight! My flame does not consume or burn, but ever-gleams,]
  • Click The Rosebud for Ken’s shared Christian Science Sentinel poem [His wondrous plan Is for me to express what already I am.]
  • Click I AM THAT I AM for Ken’s shared Christian Science Sentinel poem [No history, no future, no time]

When we open our eyes and see the universe as the miraculous expression of God, we have the light of understanding that discovers the “I AM” of FATHER-MOTHER. No evolution is necessary, for present perfection is all that ever can be, all that ever is.


Psalms 89:8. Everything that exists, in the heavens and throughout the earth is Thine, as an intrinsic and unchangeable expression of all that You are.

Psalms 89:11     Everything, within the heavens and the earth, belongs to You. And so does the world with all its peoples. It is You and You alone that created them.

“All in infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.” The magnificence of spiritual creation dismisses the theory of evolution, with its false history, present and future, and declares with full joy and love: “I AM THAT I AM”. The perfect beauty of “now”.

Bible verses are taken from my combined translations, a free copy of which is available on an excel spreadsheet for those who may be interested. The spreadsheet also includes a genealogy from Adam to Jesus, with related notes. Shared with love. Write to Ken on

Copies of these poems are available in pdf format in color and B&W as DOWNLOADS at the bottom of the online version of this Poetic Prelude to this week’s Bible Lesson. The full range of Ken’s videos on YouTube can be found on KenGCooperPoetry.  All Ken’s poetry and other writings can be found on Ken Cooper Poetry. (Links work on Metaphysical page).

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