Thank you for the best summer yet!

Mine “Truth” G.E.M.s to end all fables with God Expressed Meekly/Mightily in YOU!
through Christ’s Animating Mindsets Practiced! (C.A.M.P.!)
Application ideas “mined” by Warren Huff with insights from
Cobbey Crisler, The CS Journal, Miscellaneous Writings, Ken Cooper and others related
to The Christian Science Bible Lesson on

for January 26, 2020

Mine & Memorize GEMs from Ps. 91 (RR) to give his angels charge over you even midst Titanic challenges!
In his testimony in an October 1912 Christian Science Journal, Titanic survivor Lt. Charles H. Lightoller, explains how he prayed with the 91st Psalm (woven throughout this week’s CS Bible Lesson. He especially loved the thought that “He shall give his angels charge over thee” and how angel thoughts and thought-forces led him to save many others as well as himself miraculously.

Reprinted in part below in case you have not yet signed up for JSH Online with you should do here:
“I want to emphasize strongly this point, that as soon as I collected my thoughts after taking to the water, I remember saying to myself, "Now, I'll see how much I have learned from Christian Science." A doubt never entered my mind as to the possibility of my surviving; in other words, of the ability of the divine power to save me. I think I can conscientiously say that with this thought all fear left me, and I commenced again to realize the truth of being.

It was at this moment that I was drawn into the water, still realizing the truth, and while I was below the surface these words from the [ninety-first] Psalm came to me so distinctly that I seemed to realize their full import: "He shall give his angels charge over thee." Immediately, I think, I was thrown away from the blower, and came up to find a piece of wood in my hand which seemed to be attached to the top of the funnel by a wire. I remained still, while the water rushed past me carrying the people with it away from me.

A second time I went down, still holding fast to the truth, and again came to the surface. My piece of wood was gone, but alongside me was the flat-bottomed collapsible boat which I had thrown down on the other side of the ship. This I laid hold of, but made no attempt to board it.

I want it to be understood that during this time in the water the fact came calmly and clearly that there was a divine power which could be utilized in a practical manner, and also it seemed perfectly natural to rely on this power with the spiritual understanding which is so often spoken of in the Bible, and which is explained in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

Now, with the sinking of a great ship like the Titanic, there was also the fear of suction to overcome, and at this time the forward funnel fell, throwing the boat, myself, and other survivors about twenty feet clear of the ship, so that of suction we felt nothing. About thirty of us floated the remainder of the night on the upturned boat, and I could not overcome the intense cold experienced, yet when a man handed me a bottle of something that smelt somewhat like essence of peppermint, the thought of material means was nothing short of repulsive, and needless to say, it was not taken.

At daybreak we found two life-boats floating nearby, into which we were taken. I was the last member of the Titanic to board the Carpathia, and after interviewing her captain, discarded my wet clothes in favor of a bunk, in which I remained for about half an hour, and was not in bunk or bed again till we arrived in New York. Reaction or effects from the immersion—which I was confidently assured would take place—there were none; and though surprise has been expressed by very many, it only goes to prove that "with God all things are possible."

Lieut. C. H. Lightoller, R.N.R.

Reprinted from the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal.”

Mine the GEM of finding healing in a simple poem debunking the fable of dust man origin!


By Woodruff Smith

Where did it begin this idea called you?

In Genesis 1, or Genesis 2?

Which one of these concepts

Will prove to be true?

If you know what is what,

Do you know who is who?

In Genesis 1 in the 26th verse

There's a man with never a taint' of a curse.

But in Genesis 2 in verse number seven

There's a dust man conceived
He'll never see heaven.

So, it really comes down

To which one you will claim,
What thou see'st thou be'st

So, what is your name?

There they both stand.

Which one is you?

Is it immortal man one,
Or mortal man two?

If you're immortal man

You know what you're worth.

For according to law
You'll inherit the earth.
But if you're just a mortal
And made out of dust

Is there anything to you

That's worthy of trust?

No, the thing they call man

In Genesis 2

Is the dream of the dreamer.

It never was you.

So, know what you are.

Take your place in the sun,

You're the immortal man

Of Genesis 1.


I gave a testimony one night in our Golden, Colorado church based on the ideas from a poem I really liked, which said, "Which of these men do you think of as you, Genesis One or Genesis Two?"

A couple of weeks later a businessman, not knowing I was behind him, probably, testified that he had heard a rather banal, trite testimony a couple of weeks ago from someone who recited that line, "Which of these men do you think of as you, Genesis One or Genesis Two?" and he thought it was so trivial, so lightweight.

He went to a business meeting in Atlanta, Georgia after that and was in a hotel room in the middle of the night, sound asleep with his wife beside him, when he had a massive heart attack.

He said he wasn't naive, he knew what was happening, and he knew he was in a life-threatening situation. He was totally helpless, so helpless he could not even cry out to his wife for help, obviously could not call a practitioner, and he said for the first time in

his life he felt completely helpless. He tried to

repeat the Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, the Scientific Statement of Being, but he couldn't remember them, couldn't put them together.

He felt totally mentally jumbled and then he recalled a very simplistic statement…"Which of these men do you think of as you, Genesis One or Genesis Two?" and he realized that it wasn't so banal after all, that if he were a Genesis Two man he would probably not live through the night, but if he were a Genesis One man he could claim his dominion over

the "things of the flesh."

He did it. He said the pain lifted immediately and he felt whole and well. He decided the poem was OK after all.

–Lona lngwerson, CS

Mine the GEM of being receptive & doing good to ultimately bless all mankind—
Cobbey Crisler on Acts 10:38 (B14) (plus verses on each side of it)

“Acts 10, verse 34, begins a lecture or sermon to the first group of Gentiles. And the opening statement that Peter makes is one that could be well considered by every denomination of Christianity today… Here Peter expressed his new view of God, that God is no respecter of persons, that God speaks to receptivity.

Acts 10:34  Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

This new view of God, of course, leads to this next question: Should man as well be no respecter of persons? This is a tradition-shattering concept.

And Acts 10, verse 35, Peter summarizes it by saying “in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” …

Then he begins to explain to Cornelius and the friends and acquaintances of Cornelius, the history of early Christianity. “The beginning of Christianity is traced from Galilee after John’s baptism, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth.” … Of course, that word “anointed” immediately identifies Jesus as the Messiah. This is a point that Peter is obviously going to get across to this Gentile audience that would need some instruction in this. (See below)

Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

And you find in Acts 10, verse 43, he does that by stating that “all the prophets had given witness to the Messiah, namely Jesus.”…

As soon as Peter gets into this “Walked to Emmaus” approach, in other words the comprehension of Jesus’ role in the earlier scripture, we find in Acts 10, verse 44 that “the Holy Ghost falls on all the listeners.” …

It wasn’t Peter’s idea that this should happen; it’s at the Holy Ghost’s initiative. This is disturbing to some of those that came with Peter: Jewish Christians.
And we will find it becomes even more disturbing to other elements in the church later on, for this is a departure. The question underlying this event is “Should the church be parochial or universal?” Is it simply a sect of Judaism or an outcome of Judaism, or is it the fulfillment of God’s will as expressed in prophecy with its ultimate mission to embrace universal humanity?”

After the Master What? – The Book of Actsby B. Cobbey Crisler]

Mine the GEM of exercising dominion over all that LOOKS to be outside of you—even the elements! Cobbey Crisler on citation B15, Matthew 8:14, 15 (+16-26)
"(Verse 14. We come to the third healing [in Matthew's series of 10 of Jesus' proofs after the Sermon on the Mount of his Messiahship by his works, the healing of] Peter's mother-in-law. To have a mother-in-law, Peter had to be married. Peter had a wife. It's on the Sabbath day, too. But does Jesus consider women that important? Would he break the Sabbath for a woman? One may think that he might for a man. But would he do it for a woman? He does. Whatever business he had in Peter's house, he puts all aside and gives priority to the mother-in-law's needs. Despite the fact that it was the Sabbath. (Verse 15). He heals her of fever. [W: So much, for the supposed length and severity of the flu as advertised these days—as well as for its being communicable… "and she arose and ministered unto them."].
([BONUS:] Verse 16). "Many come, when the even was come to be healed." Why the evening? Because then the Sabbath is over and they could all come without any fear of recriminations from the Jews.
[W: Added BONUS if you keep reading you can see in Jesus' fourth proof, the stilling of the storm, an encouraging application to today’s weather concerns.
“(Verse 26). “He says, “Why are ye fearful,” immediately seeing the thought, reading the thought, “you of little faith.” He rebukes the wind and the sea; “and there was a great calm.” That tells us something about what it must mean in Genesis 1 (Verse 26) when man “was given dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air.” Is it possible? Is Jesus telling man it is possible that he can exercise dominion over the elements? He has within him the kingdom of heaven dominion that can be exercised over what looks (to be) outside of him…]

“Book of Matthew, Auditing the Master: A Tax Collector’s Report,” by B. Cobbey Crisler**

Mine the GEM meant for you of defending yourself hourly with your internal, eternal Defense Attorney of the Science of the Christ!
Cobbey Crisler on John 14.16-17 quoted by MBE in citation S24 (S&H 55:27) in which Jesus prophesies the Comforter:
“There are greater works, the ultimatum of the application of what Jesus had introduced to earth. So, when he’s talking about greater works being done, through what agency will these greater works come? We find the Comforter is introduced.
John 14:16, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter.”

We should know enough about prophesy and have enough respect to realize that most of the prophets in the Bible, including Jesus, had a tremendous regard for prophesy. They knew that it had come from God, not from man. Similarly, we should know how to recognize the Comforter when the Comforter arrives… The word “comforter” is parakletos, sometimes called paraclete… translated “comforter” given by our King James Version. You will find, however, that The New English Bible does not use “comforter.” It uses “advocate.” You’ll also find that I John uses parakletos and the King James translator of that uses “advocate.”

We should know that the word “advocate” is a technical word legally. It specifically means “defense attorney.” That has a lot of implications to it. By contrast the name “Satan” in Hebrew is a technical term for “prosecuting attorney.” There you have the battle joined in thought.

The Comforter is to come and defend man. We can see all the ways that Jesus had introduced various defenses for man…
John 14:16, “that he may abide with you for ever.” Is there a provision for a third revelation? The Comforter is apparently the final one.

John 14:17, “the Spirit of Truth.” Notice how that counters Jesus’ definition of the “devil.” What did he say about the truth? It was the recipe for freedom (John 3:8). So, it’s got something to do with that. But there is also a communications problem. The world “cannot receive.” It’s not going to be a popular arrival. “It doesn’t see him or know him.”

But, we will know, “because it’s within.”

John 14:26 picks up the description. “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost.” There’s another part of the list, identified with the Holy Ghost in Luke 3:22, the dove descending is the symbol of it. The words “dove” and “ghost” are feminine in the Greek, and the comfort aspect also introduces the feminine concept.

The role of the Comforter “will be sent by God in my name.” If one were to regard that literally, the Comforter’s name should at least have some recognizable aspect either relating to Jesus or to Christ. Another aspect of the Comforter is “he will teach you all things.”

The role of teaching what? Is anything left out? “All things.” And at the same time, “it will bring everything back to human memory that Jesus said.”
“Book of John: A Walk with the Beloved Disciple”, by B. Cobbey Crisler**

Mine the GEM of changing your concept when problems seem to be at hand to see instead heaven at hand! Cobbey on Matt 4: 17 (B20) “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
“Verse 17. After Matthew the prophesies [in verses 15 and 16 from Isaiah 9:1, 2) of the coming of the Messiah], Jesus’ opening word, according to Matthew’s gospel is “Repent.” Change your concept. Again, just as John the Baptist said in Matthew 3:2, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” That is radical good news for mankind.

“It’s not a far-off event. Many denominations have left the impression that heaven is something attainable in the far-off future. But, the opening words of John the Baptist, as well as of Jesus, are “the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” right here. That means that we must be able to do something with it and about it. And, apparently that had something to do with the changing of our concept, even theologically, that heaven can do something about the problems that that seem to be at hand.

“… Are the problems at hand, or is heaven at hand? That’s the test question that Jesus met so beautifully as a sovereign over it in the wilderness. He proved that heaven was at hand.”
“Book of Matthew, Auditing the Master,” by B. Cobbey Crisler**

Mine the GEM of knowing when to use the sword of the Spirit [Matt. 10:24 (B21)] and when to put it up. My recommends this week the study of Mary Baker Eddy’s article entitled “Put Up Thy Sword.” In it she writes: “my students … at the beginning of their demonstration… must at this stage use the sword of Spirit. They cannot in the beginning take the attitude, nor adopt the words (‘Put up thy sword’) that Jesus used at the end of his demonstration.”
Between these two extremes she states: “Truth comes into the intermediate space, saying, “I wound to heal; I punish to reform; I do it all in love;” Miscellaneous Writings, p. 215: 4, 23

Mine these G.E.M. from Ken Cooper this week…

[Ken writes:] "When we use the SWORD of Truth to cut though and demolish all error, we are combining the infinity of Spirit and the power of the WORD. Mrs Eddy defines SWORD as “The idea of Truth; justice.” And when that SWORD is wielded Truth is always the victor. Truth stands guard at the infinite borders (!) of the kingdom of heaven, and there is no enemy to enter, – its nothingness is revealed. Truth is. Wearing the armour of God we are invincible, and error is proved as nothingness. “GOD’SWORD is ALL. There is no other power or activity.

Mary Baker Eddy writes “The best lesson of their lives is gained by crossing swords with temptation, with fear and the besetments of evil;” Mis. 10:17-19 (to ;). Truth is “sharper than any two-edged sword”. It is our home and heaven.

The healing of Peter’s wife’s mother is a beautiful example of the nothingness of error made plain, – she was bedridden, yet with the touch of the Christ she was able to get up immediately and get on with her work, – no recuperation was required because the (s)word of Truth killed the fantasy of error and its limitations. One touch was sufficient.

Truth forbids the entrance of error in the same way that 2+2 forbids anything but 4. We’re not tempted by 2+2=5 because we know it’s not true. Knowing the Truth at any time, we wield the sword and Truth sets us free.

The poem “Cross Swords with Temptation and LIVE” is narrated on

When we use the SWORD of Truth to cut though and demolish all error, we are combining the infinity of Spirit and the power of the WORD. Mary Baker Eddy defines SWORD as “The idea of Truth; justice.” And when that SWORD is wielded Truth is always the victor. Truth stands guard at the infinite borders (!) of the kingdom of heaven, and there is no enemy to enter, – its nothingness is revealed. Truth is. Wearing the armour of God we are invincible, and error is proved as nothingness. Another thought has just presented itself, – “GOD’SWORD”. There is no other power or activity.

Mary Baker Eddy writes “The best lesson of their lives is gained by crossing swords with temptation, with fear and the besetments of evil;” Mis. 10:17-19 (to ;). Truth is “sharper than any two-edged sword”. It is our home and heaven.

The healing of Peter’s wife’s mother is a beautiful example of the nothingness of error made plain, – she was bedridden, yet with the touch of the Christ she was able to get up immediately and get on with her work, – no recuperation was required because the (s)word of Truth killed the fantasy of error and its limitations. One touch was sufficient.

Truth forbids the entrance of error in the same way that 2+2 forbids anything but 4. We’re not tempted by 2+2=5 because we know it’s not true. Knowing the Truth at any time, we wield the sword and Truth sets us free.

The poem “Cross Swords with Temptation and LIVE” is narrated on, and there is a narrative monologue for Peter’s wife’s mother, entitled “Love: A Parent's Revelation” read by Sue on

PDF versions in color and B&W for both are available as Downloads on CedarS GEM webpage. A complete list of videos can be found on

**You can buy your own transcripts of most of Cobbey Crisler’s 28 talks at this website: Email your order or inquiry to, or directly to Janet Crisler, at

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