Thank you for the best summer yet!

for classes on Sunday, September 22, 2024

Questions by former CedarS Program Director, Steven Henn, EdD
now from Seattle, WA  * 703-307-2145 *

Possible Sunday School Topics for the GOLDEN TEXT,
Isaiah 44:10 “Why make an idol or an image that can’t do a thing?”

What is an idol or an image and what does it mean to “make” one?
Push your students to think of idols/images beyond the obvious – statues, artifacts – that may not be present in their lives. What idols are they tempted to put faith in, or bow down to? Money, fame, image, personality, food, grades, etc…
Why does Isaiah call these into question?
How can we respond to the suggestion that we bow down to or put faith in any of these idols?

Possible Sunday School Topics for the Responsive Reading: Deut. 5:1-39

What are the statutes and judgments that Moses spoke? How can we learn them? And why should we observe them?
You may need to define key words like “statute”, and “observe” in this context.

Look in the Responsive Reading for more examples of idols and images that were present in Moses’ day.
How does Moses respond to these idols?
How can we make this response effective in our own daily experiences?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 1: 

^In citations B1 & B2, John 4:24 & Isaiah 42:8:
What does it mean to trust in God as spirit, rather than in physical or material things?
How can worshiping in spirit and truth strengthen our trust in God?
How do these passages challenge us to place our trust in God alone?
Why is it important to avoid trusting in “graven images” or other worldly idols?

^In citation S1/Science and Health p. 535:10–14; 116:5, 13:
How does this citation reinforce the idea that trust should be placed in God rather than in material things?
How does trusting in the spiritual reality of God’s creation help us overcome fear and uncertainty in our daily lives?

^In citations B5/Jeremiah 17:7-14 and S2/Science and Health 108:19:
What are some ways we can strengthen our trust in God, and how does trust in God lead to healing and salvation?
How does understanding God’s ever-present power encourage us to place our trust in divine Mind rather than in material solutions or human will?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 2:

^In citation B6/Ecclesiastes 5:7 and citation S5/475:7-13:
How does the biblical idea of “fearing God” reflect a deep respect and trust in God, and how does understanding our true, spiritual identity as God’s children help to deepen that respect and trust?

^In citation B8/Psalm 115:4-8 and citation S6/173:11-12:
How do idols differ from God, and why is trusting in them a form of misplaced fear?
How does recognizing that God is Spirit help us understand the futility of idols?

^In citation B9/Romans 8:5, 16 and citation S9/263:32-10:
What does it mean to live as a child of God, focusing on spiritual realities, and how does this shift help us overcome the limitations and fears tied to the material world?

^In citation B7/Jeremiah 23:32 and citation S8/71:10:
How can we discern between false guidance and divine truth, and why is it important to reject the illusions of mortal thought in favor of the spiritual understanding of God and His creation?

^In citation B12/Psalm 115:8 and citation S7/397:24-28:
How does trusting in God, rather than in material objects or thoughts, free us from the limitations of mortal mind and empower us to live fully as children of God?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 3:

^In citation B10/Ezekiel 14:6 and citation S10/214:18-21:
Why is it important to repent and turn away from idols?
How does the tendency to “bow down to matter” and entertain finite thoughts of God relate to vanity, and how can we be more obedient to Christ’s teachings instead of material desires?

^In citation B11/Jeremiah 8:8-9, 11 and citation S14/196:20, 31-2:
In what ways is vanity dangerous to our spiritual growth?
How does focusing on false or vain thoughts, like descriptions of disease, lead us away from the obedience and truth that Christ teaches?

^In citation B13/II Corinthians 10:3-5 and citation S15/400:12:
What does it mean to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ?
How can lifting our thoughts above error, vanity, and material concerns help us become more obedient to Christ and free from the limitations of the flesh?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 4:

^In citation B14/II Corinthians 6:16 and citation S21/425:21-26:
How can we take care of ourselves by having more faith in Spirit instead of material things?
Think about times when you’ve felt overwhelmed at school or in sports—how can trusting in God’s power help you through those challenges?

^In citation B16/Acts 10:38 and citation S17/316:7):
How can we, like Jesus, replace faith in material things (like what people say or what happens around us) with faith in God’s power?
Can you think of ways to show that in your daily life, like with friends, family, or even in your hobbies like music, art, or theater?

^In citation B17/Matthew 9:2-8 and citation S20/396:14-32:
Sometimes, trusting in Spirit instead of matter seems difficult. How can we make it easier to trust God when we feel hurt or scared, whether it’s a problem at school or something happening with friends or family?

^In citation B15/I Chronicles 16:29 and citation S22/492:3-4:
Worshiping God “in the beauty of holiness” and being mindful of the “fact … (of) spiritual existence” means recognizing that we are God’s creation. How can we apply this in our lives, especially when things seem tough, like preparing for a big exam or trying to do well in sports or arts?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 5:

^In citation B18/I John 5:21 and citation S22/186:32)?
How can we keep ourselves from idols like popularity, wanting to be the best in sports, or having the latest video games or clothes?
How does letting go of these things help us focus on being the best version of ourselves that God wants us to be?

^In citation B19/I John 2:15, 16 and citation S23/337:5-10:
What does it mean to “love not the world”?
How can we avoid getting caught up in wanting to be popular in school, or trying to impress people, and instead focus on what really matters, like kindness and helping others?

^In citation B20/James 4:4 and citation S26/238:22, 27-28:
How is it that being friends with the world is also being against God?
How can we make sure we don’t just follow the crowd at school, or do things just to fit in, but instead make choices that show we’re following Christ, even if it’s not the popular thing to do?
What is the process of spiritual transformation whereby one “forsakes popularity and gains Christianity”?

^In citation B24/II Corinthians 3:18 and citation S28/239:16-20:
What are some things we can do that help us reflect God’s goodness instead of focusing on material things?

Possible Sunday School Topics for Section 6:

^In citation B24/Isaiah 2:17-18 and citation S29/264:28:
In your life, what kinds of “idols” might distract you from loving God the most?
How can focusing on loving God above all else help you feel more fulfilled?

^In citation B25/I Chronicles 29:11 and citation  S29/264:15, 21:
How does loving God supremely make you feel more confident and at peace?

^In citation B24/Isaiah 2:2 and citation  S29/264:15:
How can you show that you love God above everything else, even when things like social media, popularity, or getting good grades seem really important?
What are some ways you can put God first in your heart, whether at school or with your family?


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