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Possible Sunday School Topics for the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson on

“Probation after Death”
for classes on Sunday, April 28, 2024

Questions by former CedarS Program Director, Steve Henn, C.S.
now from Austin, TX

Possible Sunday School Topics (PSSTs) for the GOLDEN TEXT, Ps. 13:3, 5:

How might our daily actions and beliefs affect our relationship with God?
The psalmist expresses trust in God’s mercy and rejoices in salvation.
How does the psalmist’s attitude of trust in God’s mercy impact our spiritual journey?
How can we gain this trust in our own lives?

Responsive Reading (RR) PSSTs: How does the imagery of spiritual armor (Eph 6:10-17) relate to each of your student’s daily experiences and the challenges they face?  

How can we expect to experience deliverance from these challenges? (Ps 116:8–9)
How far does God’s salvation reach? (Ps. 98:1-3)
How do all of these concepts tie into the theme of probation after death?

Section 1 PSSTs: How do the concepts in this section provide hope and assurance of progress for believers? 

How do these passages illustrate the connection between God’s grace and our journey towards salvation? (Ps 79:9; II Thess 2:13)
How does the assurance of continued growth impact our understanding of life? (Ps 118:16–17; SH 291:12–13)

How does the demonstration of Truth contribute to our spiritual progress? (Ps 119:149; SH 2:16–18)
Mary Baker Eddy defines salvation as “Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all.”  (SH 593:20)
How does this definition of salvation align with our understanding of spiritual progress?

Section 2 PSSTs: How does the plea to God to “shew me thy ways” (Ps. 25:4–6) help us to grow towards salvation?

What lessons can we learn from Manasseh’s journey of repentance and restoration? (II Chronicles 33:1–3, 10, 12, 13)
According to Science and Health, how does the standpoint of our affections influence our preparation for progress? (SH 239:16)
Why is fervent desire for growth in grace important to salvation? (SH 4:3–5, 32)

Activity ideas:
Encourage students to create artwork or poetry reflecting the beauty of holiness
mentioned in Ps 29:2. Discuss how such expressions of worship prepare us for progress.

Lead a guided discussion or journaling session based on Science and Health 239:16. Encourage students to reflect on where their affections lie and how they influence their spiritual progress.

Section 3 PSSTs: How does the pursuit of justice and righteousness prepare us for the revelation of God’s salvation? (Isa 56:1)

How does this Isaiah 56:1 passage guide us in living a life of preparation for progress?

How does the promise of Christ’s return influence our actions and attitudes in the present?
How does the recognition of our responsibility in spiritual growth align with the concept of probation and progression towards immortality? (S11/240:19–32;  S12/426:9–11)

Activity idea:
Have students discuss how a Bible passage and Science and Health passage intersect and inform each other regarding the themes of progress and salvation.

Section 4 PSSTs: How did Jesus demonstrate the gospel of the kingdom as he traveled through cities and villages? (Matt. 9:35)

What question did people ask Jesus, seeking guidance on how to do the works of God? (John 6:28)
According to Paul, what key elements make up the gospel he preached, particularly regarding Christ’s actions? (I Cor. 15:1, 3-5)
How did Jesus assure his disciples of his physical resurrection, and what understanding did he impart to them regarding scripture and the preaching of repentance and remission of sins? (Luke 24:36-40, 45-51)

Section 5 PSSTs: Reflect on the power of witnessing the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 4:33)

How does this testimony inspire our faith in salvation and spiritual progress? Consider the story of Simon the Sorcerer. (Acts 8:5–9, 14, 15, 18–22, 24)
How does his desire to purchase spiritual gifts reveal misconceptions about salvation and progress?
How does Peter’s response demonstrate the importance of genuine repentance?

Explore the concept of grace abounding where sin abounds. (Romans 5:20, 21)
How does this idea shape our understanding of salvation and the possibility of progress despite past mistakes?

Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the importance of loving God supremely and forsaking material systems to find healing. (S18/326:3–22)
How does this teaching relate to the themes of salvation and progress in Christian Science?

Consider Mary Baker Eddy’s  ideas in this citation S18/326:3–22):
1) that the purpose and motive to live rightly can be gained now;
2) that working and praying with true motives will lead to advancement in Christian Science; and
3) the analogy of starting at the numeration-table of Christian Science.
How do these ideas reflect the journey of spiritual progress and salvation?

Section 6 PSSTs: Both Isaiah and Micah speak of waiting upon the Lord and looking to God for salvation. (Isaiah 40:31, Micah 7:7) 

How do these passages suggest that spiritual progress and salvation are intertwined with patience and trust in divine timing?

Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the importance of waiting for our reward and pausing to wait on God before pushing onward. (SH 192 2:11–22, 203 23:9)
How do these teachings from Science and Health echo the themes of spiritual progress and the ultimate reward of salvation found in the Bible passages?

Section 7 PSSTs: Opening passages highlight the longing for salvation, the pathway of righteousness leading to life, and the progressive nature of spiritual enlightenment. (Ps.119:174, Prov. 12:28; 4:18)  

How do these themes collectively illustrate the journey of spiritual progress towards the ultimate goal of salvation, as depicted in the Bible?

Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes painless progress, the importance of demonstrating Christian power through the destruction of sin, sickness, and death, and the condition of progress being the recognition that Life is God. (SH 224:8, 233:1, 496:9–13)
How do these teachings complement the Bible passages and offer insights into the nature of salvation and spiritual progress?


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