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Ken Cooper’s “ON HOLIDAY POETIC POSTLUDE” shares poetry inspired by the Bible stories in this week’s Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson:


For Sunday, September 15th, 2024

What a blessing to know that the only substance that exists is I AM THAT I AM. The infinity of God, the eternality of God, shuts out the possibility of anything else. In gratitude we confirm our alignment to all that God is, and witness how wonderful we are exactly because of what God is.


Psalms 92:1      It is wonderful and proper to thank God, to so sing with utter joy and praise the nature of the Eternal and Infinite:

Psalms 92:5      O Lord, how great are Your wonderful works! How infinite and all-embracing are Your thoughts


Psalms 33:4              He is always true to what He says. His word is perfect and can always be trusted. Everything He does is reliable, right and loved by Him, in the freedom of His Truth!

God said “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:) and this light of understanding wraps round the whole of creation with the substance of all that God is, Love, Truth, Life, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle, witnessed and made manifest as man, you and me, and all.

Click “Oh Stand In Awe!   PDF only

Click “Enoch ever walks with God” Section 2 YouTube

Click “Enoch walked with God” PDF only

Click “The Withered Hand Restored”  Section 4

“Oh stand in awe of what you are:
True substance, Life and Love expressed.
Glorious, shining as a star
Maintained by Mind at God’s behest.”

What freedom there is in this Truth! There are no exceptions in the kingdom of heaven. The rule and government of God is absolute, all-embracing, and each of us expresses the authority and dominion that one Mind represents. We start each day as the shining star of God, his infinite treasure chest of good, the abundance of Love, sharing with one another the light of understanding.

Behold creation, stand in awe,
At one with Truth unchanging.”

 When we look at ourselves, other people, the whole of creation, we can feel the power of Truth unchanging, secure in the knowledge that error in any of its false guises cannot touch any part of creation. The substance of creation is untainted because the only influence is in Mind, the permanent joy of Soul, the abundance of Love, the constant expression of Truth.

“Great gratitude in endless praise,
I thank Thee God for all I am.
As Love’s reflection thus ablaze:
I am this marvel: God-made man!”


Click “Enoch ever walks with God” Section 2

“Enoch walked with MIND: and he was not; for MIND took him (embracing him forever).

Enoch walked with SPIRIT: and he was not; for SPIRIT took him (embracing him forever).”

 “Enoch walked with God, the incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love: and he was not; for God, incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love took him, embracing him forever”

Click “Enoch walked with God” PDF only

This gives a different take on the same soliloquy.

 “And Enoch walked with Mind:
and he (arrogance) was not; for Mind took him.
And Enoch walked with Spirit:
and he (flesh) was not; for Spirit took him.

Each synonym is described, with a mortal acronym. It becomes an interesting question as to which call of mortality is seeking to enter our consciousness, and comforting to know it has no power.

And Enoch walked with incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love: and he (the Adam dream) was not; for incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love took him.”

 The infinity of God is our standard, a spiritual awareness that we stand by, in awe of what we are, what God is. It gives “substance” great meaning!

But how willing are we to strive, long for, seek out the existence of this true substance. We have the promise, “seek and ye shall find.” Enoch showed what that meant, and we should be seeking it for our neighbours as well……The monologue that follows is apt!

Click “The Withered Hand Restored”  Section 4

Listening to this poem, or reading the PDf, shares the experience of someone who has become accustomed to a physical problem which a dear friend has long had and accepted. They were both resigned to live with it. The call to repent is always uncomfortable because in routine we can have a false sense of what is wasteful stability! However, in Truth, we have beautiful freedom.

The command to “Stretch forth thine hand” is the Christ message to each of us, as powerful now as it was then. A command to drop the past, and feel the grip of God, lifting thought to real and eternal substance, is the Christ coming to the flesh to restore the real and debunk the false. It happened then. It is happening now.

“God’s love for us is timeless and unconditional.”


A good reason we give thanks to God!

Bible verses are taken from my combined translations, a free copy of which is available on an excel spreadsheet for those who may be interested. The spreadsheet also includes a genealogy from Adam to Jesus, with related notes. Shared with love. Write to Ken on

Copies of these poems are available in pdf format in color and B&W as DOWNLOADS at the bottom of the online version of this Poetic Prelude to this week’s Bible Lesson. The full range of Ken’s videos on YouTube can be found on KenGCooperPoetry.  All Ken’s poetry and other writings can be found on Ken Cooper Poetry. (Links work on Metaphysical page).

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