Thank you for the best summer yet!

Count on the Shepherd's Love to Always Meet Your Needs!
Lesson application ideas for: “Love” July 26-August 1, 2010
by Craig L. Ghislin, C.S. Glen Ellyn, Illinois
[Editor's Note: The following application ideas for this week, and the Possible Sunday School Topics that follow, are offered primarily to help CEDARS campers and staff (as well as friends) see and demonstrate the great value of daily study and application of the Christian Science Bible lessons year-round, not just at camp! You can sign up to have them emailed to you free — in English by Monday each week, or by each Wednesday you can get a FREE TRANSLATION in French thanks to Pascal, or in Spanish thanks to Ana, and in German some weeks by Helga. YOU CAN SIGN UP at We are looking for other able translators who are willing to volunteer to share the load of doing these weekly translations in a timely and accurate fashion.  You can email your interest in supporting this work to Warren at]
The Golden Text, “I am the Lord that healeth thee” is the final phrase of God's promise to the Israelites.  It stated the provision that if they would obey His Commandments, they would suffer none of the diseases brought upon the Egyptians.  While God's promise is perpetual, it is significant that the promise of healing be given in reference to the keeping of the commandments.   [In Luke 11:20Jesus announced that he “cast out devils . . . with the finger of God”-the same “finger of God” that was used to write the 10 Commandments. (Ex. 31:15)]
The Responsive Reading consists of several prophecies of God's care for the Children of Israel.  God promises to remove their fears, restore health, and care for them as a shepherd cares for his flock.  God's love for His children isn't confined to a particular time period-it's everlasting.  Eventually, everyone who has strayed ignorantly or intentionally will be brought back into the fold.  This week's Lesson speaks to all those who have wandered and found themselves lost in sin, fear, disease, or conflict.  It reminds us of the deep love behind Jesus' sacrifice and gives us hope for a better world.
Section 1: Love Dissolves Sin
This Lesson starts out a little differently than most.  Usually, we begin with a clear statement about God that's full of spiritual inspiration and that focuses mainly on the spiritual reality of things.  As the saying goes, we “start with perfection.”  Here, though we begin with a hopeful Jeremiah urging the people to “sing with gladness” for the inevitable restoration of Israel, our main focus is on the need for redemption from sin.  The prophecies of both Jeremiah (B1) and Hosea (B2) are of redemption and deliverance, and assume that the deliverance has already taken place.  The feeling is that we are led to look to God for help because His help is always there.  If that be the case, why did the people need this reminder?  We hear a lot about God's love for us, and while it can be understood theoretically, many feel that in practice, they are pretty far away from actually feeling that Love.  God promises to heal our backsliding (B2).  The Children of Israel had great difficulty keeping on the straight and narrow.  They often wavered, as many in our human family do today.
We all have made mistakes in our experience, and King David made a whopper (B3). His story is well known. A beautiful woman catches his eye; he takes her; she gets pregnant; and he orders her husband be left alone to be killed on the battlefield. No surprise that the Lord is “displeased” with him. In Wesley's Commentary, he analyzes what brought David to this error in judgment:
First, he points out that he saw her after arising from bed in the middle of the afternoon.  He'd been lazy.  As Wesley puts it, “…the bed of sloth often proves the bed of lust.”  Next, instead of suppressing desires he knew were wrong, he goes out of his way to pursue them.  He finds out who she is and then even though he knew she was married, he goes after her anyway.  Once he finds out she's with child, and that his sin can't be hidden, rather than repent right then, he tries to cover one sin with another.  This is an object lesson for us.  Laziness in our work is an open door to trouble, and one sin begets another.
But his sin doesn't go unpunished.  Nathan tactfully brings the sin to his attention (B4) and as Adam Clarke put it, “he sowed one grain of sweet, and reaped a long harvest of calamity and woe.”  Nathan's rebuke caused David to repent, but he didn't avoid consequences.  Suffering for sin is not so much a punishment, as an inevitable consequence.  Abingdon writes, “…the underlying principle is clear: if suffering and sorrow did not inevitably follow upon sin, God's moral order of the universe would be compromised.”
It is sure that David felt terrible over his actions.  Have you ever done anything that was so awful that you were never sure you'd ever get passed it?  What could help in that circumstance other than the absolute love of God?  Most believe that Psalm 51 (B5) puts into words David's heartfelt sorrow for his misdeed. He asks to be “washed throughly” implying that repeated washings may be necessary to cleanse the stain of sin.  He doesn't try to hide his sin anymore.  He openly acknowledges it to himself and to God.  He knows that his behavior is just the opposite of what God desires.  His innermost thoughts need to be purified.  He asks for wisdom that he is able to avoid sin in the future.  He doesn't just ask for a mended heart, he asks for a whole new one to be created.  He needs a right spirit, so he will no longer be bound to sin.
That's quite a prayer.  Our Leader also points out that man is corrected and governed by divine Love.  She reminds us that every sinful pleasure brings an equivalent of pain (S1).  That may sound incongruous with the statement that God is Love, but “The design of Love is to reform the sinner” (S3).  David struggled with all three of what is called, “the adamant of error”-“Self-will, self-justification, and self-love.”  The only way to get beyond this triad of trouble is to let Love dissolve it.  An adamant is a stone of impenetrable hardness like a diamond.  Can you imagine anything being able to dissolve a diamond?  Our sin may seem indissoluble.  But God's Love can do it.  Rather than allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the adamant of error, we can allow ourselves to be governed by Love.
Section 2: Love Seeks and Finds the Lost Sheep
All that sounds simple enough, but what if you've been trying and you really feel lost as the Psalmist does in (B6)?  Adam Clarke explains what it means to be a lost sheep: “A sheep, when it has once lost the flock, strays in such a manner as to render the prospect of its own return utterly hopeless.  I have seen them bleating when they have lost the flock, and when answered by the others, instead of turning to the sound, have gone on in the same direction in which they were straying, their bleatings answered by the rest of the flock, till they were out of hearing!  This fact shows the propriety of the next clause.
Seek thy servant — I shall never find thee; come to the wilderness, take me up, and carry me to the flock.”
Clarke seems to suggest that a lost sheep is incapable of recognizing help when it is offered.  This condition is described in Mrs. Eddy's article Ways that are Vain: “The victims lose their individuality, and lend themselves as willing tools to carry out the designs of their worst enemies … Animal magnetism fosters suspicious distrust where honor is due, fear where courage should be strongest, reliance where there should be avoidance, a belief in safety where there is most danger…” (First Church and Miscellany p. 211)
Such a condition can seem hopeless.  We need to be rescued.  The prophet Ezekiel likens God to the Good Shepherd, searching for, and finding those wandering sheep (B7).  Jesus assumed the role of shepherd when he realized that the people were not getting the guidance they needed (B8).  The people were “distressed and scattered.”  Abingdon points out that this same word is used to describe a hunted stag.  “It suggests that the flock was harried by dogs and wolves, and that to add to its plight it had no shepherd to act as its protector.”  He saw that the people were burdened with the weight of ritualism and that they were sinking under it.  Without a shepherd the people were vulnerable to evil's attacks.
Jesus was “moved with compassion”-he yearned from deep within to help them.  In the parable of the lost sheep (B9) Jesus explains how the shepherd goes to great lengths to find those who have gone astray.  Clarke's Commentary elaborates: “The lost sheep is an emblem of a heedless, thoughtless sinner: one who follows the corrupt dictates of his own heart, without ever reflecting upon his conduct, or considering what will be the issue of his unholy course of life.  No creature strays more easily than a sheep … No creature is more defenseless than a sheep, and more exposed to be devoured by dogs and wild beasts.  Even the fowls of the air seek their destruction.  I have known ravens often attempt to destroy lambs by picking out their eyes, in which, when they have succeeded, as the creature does not see whither it is going, it soon falls an easy prey to its destroyer.”
That's a pretty pitiful description, and it's been said that nothing is more helpless than a lost sheep, except a lost sinner!  Do you think today, that Jesus would think of us as lost sheep?
Mrs. Eddy asks if man can be lost spiritually.  The answer is no.  I find the explanation on p. 311 of Science and Health (S6) the best response to how we get into believing we're lost or living in material sense.  She says “through false estimates of soul as dwelling in sense and of mind as dwelling in matter, belief strays into a sense of temporary loss or absence of soul…”  It's not a real condition at all.  It's a false belief that we live in matter.  We're assured in the next citation that the real man “cannot be lost” (S7).  Jesus taught this and his teaching redeem us from material law (S8).
We need to realize that both Mrs. Eddy and Jesus, distinguished between what seems to be man-the material so-called mortal-and the real, or spiritual man created by God (S9).  This distinction is crucial to the understanding of Christian Science.  Jesus didn't accept the material view of man as a sordid sinner, lost in a sea of corruption.  He saw man the way God made him, upright, pure, and whole.  In Christian Science, we also begin with perfect God and perfect man as the basis of our prayer (S10).
[CedarS can borrow sheep from neighbors when they are referenced in the lesson. When we do we educate campers and staff in what sheep are like as told in a very enlightening way by a Syrian shepherd in the free download of the book: A Song of Our Syrian Guest, by William Allen Knight.]
Section 3: Love Heals Fear
What do you do when you're afraid?  Do you try to figure out how to fix things yourself?  Do you just give in to it?  When David was tempted with fear he turned unreservedly to God (B10).  Sometimes we may find ourselves in extreme conditions that threaten to be too much for us to take.  The shepherd guides us through those dark valleys.  They say the “valley of the shadow of death” is an actual place.  [An attempted recreation has been made in CedarS Bible Lands Park on the steep road from Jerusalem down to Jericho.]  According to the Basque Shepherd's Psalm, the “valley of the shadow of death” is a narrow precipice with towering walls of stone, in some places only wide enough for one to go through at a time.  There are dangerous drop offs too.  The shepherd needs to be extra watchful here.  It's also been pointed out that it's the valley of the shadow of death.  A shadow has no substance to harm us.  And there's another thing to remember: the Shepherd guides us through the valley.  That means we don't stay there; we come out on the other side.  We need fear no evil.  We are never alone; God is always protecting and guiding us.  We dwell forever in His presence.  The tradition of God's enduring protection continues in Psalm 46 (B12).  God is the infinite protector, an unfailing source of health and peace; therefore, we have nothing to dread.  Even if the earth itself moved, we need not be afraid.
There are many sources of tumult in our experience.  Adam Clarke points out that the term “waters,” as used in prophetic language, signify people and generally people in a state of political commotion. “…by these strong agitations of the people, the mountains — the secular rulers, shake with the swelling thereof — tremble, for fear that these popular tumults should terminate in the subversion of the state.”  In our times there are many who fear both political and geological upheaval.  There seem to be dangers everywhere, but in all circumstances, we are safe.  Our God is Love (B13).  God isn't merely benevolent and caring, He is Love itself.  Fear has no place in it.
Our Leader confronts fear boldly: “Fear never stopped being and its action” (S11).  Nothing the senses can present to us can ever separate us from God's Love.  Mrs. Eddy's beautiful rendition of the 23rd Psalm (S13) informs us that we are surrounded by Love no matter what.  The section concludes with a reiteration of John's remarkable words and a reminder that our practice begins with the command, “Be not afraid!” (S14).
Section 4: Love Is the Healer
Commentators agree that the fact of Jesus' healing work and that of his disciples' provided proof that God approved of their doctrine and that it was in fact truth.  The two verses in Matthew 4:23 and 24 are used often in our Lesson-Sermons as a sort of preamble to what's coming next.  But they're significant in themselves because they set out Jesus' example of how he conducted his ministry.  He goes to the people, he doesn't wait for them to come to him.  He proclaims the kingdom; he puts others' needs before his own and lets everyone know that God's power is able to save them from sickness and sin.  Jesus also gave his disciples power to heal (B16); and he orders them to love each other as he loved them (B17).  
Mrs. Eddy continues to commission her followers, guiding us to rely on divine Love for every need (S15).  She tells us that Love has lost no efficacy from biblical times until now.  It is a constant force for healing in every age (S16).  Mrs. Eddy agrees with the commentators that healing was the highest proof Jesus could offer (S17).  She expected her followers to pick up the mantle of healing as a proof of their love for God and man (S18).  She encourages us to remember that it is the Holy Ghost that enables us to demonstrate this healing power (S19).  In doing so, our Leader shows the love she had for us.  She took special care to prepare and encourage her students, you and I, and all others for ages to come.  She teaches us to rely wholly on Love.  Following her guidance will bring certain results.
Section 5: Jesus' Ultimate Demonstration of Love
This section addresses an issue that many theologians think of as the core of Christianity.  John's well-known words have become for many, the supreme example of Love, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (B18).  God loved us so much, that he was willing to sacrifice His only son for us.  This is commonly accepted in traditional theology.  The verses from Isaiah (B19) and Acts (B20) are also used to support the old theological view that we are undeserving sinners, who have been saved only by the love of a God who became a human and suffered for us.
Mrs. Eddy views these passages in a very different way.  She emphasizes the immensity of Jesus' human sacrifice.  Jesus' assumed the role of the only begotten Son and additionally fulfilled the Messianic role outlined in Isaiah.  All would agree that the only motivation to do any of these was supreme love for God and man (S20).  He exemplified how love responds to the worst of circumstances (S21).  There were two points that enabled him to demonstrate this ultimate love.  First, he understood “the nothingness of material life.”  Second, he understood, “the mighty actuality” of God (S22).  [We invite even fans of the Chicago Cubs (the rivals of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team) to become fans of “these . . . two cardinal points of Mind-healing”. (S22) Armed with them, Jesus] demonstrated the divine in his human experience.  He presented to mankind the ultimate example of love (S23).  The Bible citations in this section are keystones in traditional Christianity as they are in Christian Science.
Mrs. Eddy was asked more than once how it would be possible to heal as she did.  Her answer was always to love more.  To be love; and to just live it.  She said Love heals instantaneously.  We often hear concern these days that healing isn't as good or as easy as it used to be.  The simple and logical response to that is, “How much do we love?”  Do we love as Jesus did?  Do we sacrifice a fraction of what he was willing to sacrifice?  Or have we accepted the role of “wandering sheep astray” in the wilderness of sin and sensuality?  It is definitely a challenge.  Why don't we take up this challenge together and see what happens?
Section 6: DIvine Love Brings Harmony and Peace
When we think about love, the contemplation of peace isn't far behind.  “Peace, love, and happiness,” was the mantra of early war protestors and is still a goal that seems to some, an impossible and naive ideal.  That would be true if we were talking merely of human kindness and love, but the Scriptures refer to the reflection of divine Love.  Isaiah foresaw that one day all nations would be gathered up in a flood of peace (B22, 23).  The image of a flood is one that symbolizes a power that cannot be stopped.  Years ago, when the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flooded, a relative took us to see the aftereffects. It looked like a huge wind just picked everything up and blew it in one direction.  I saw all sorts of things hanging in the trees including an automatic washing machine about fifteen feet up!  It appeared that anything caught up by the water got swept away.  Isaiah sees the effect of peace in a similar way.  Everything gets picked up and swept away by peace.  Only in this situation, it's a flood of love; and it's not destructive, it's healing.  Isaiah sees Israel joining together with Egypt and Assyria-two of her worst enemies (B23).  No shortage of idealism there!
The prophet Micah continues the peaceful vision with seeing all weapons converted into useful farm instruments (B24).  Every man shall sit peacefully “under his vine”-a picture of perfect peace, security, and comfort.  Do you have any image of contentment, peace, security, and comfort?  How do you think it might come about?  Campers at CedarS often feel that their camp experience is pretty close to this vision of peace.  Others remind us that the whole of life is not summer camp.  Yet what makes CedarS special, is the fact, that the love there is not just human goodness, it's based on the practice of Christian Science-it's divine Love expressed. That means the peace and love that campers and staff experience there is not just because it's a summer camp.  It is a time focused on spiritual demonstration, expectancy of healing, and a concerted effort to actively love one another.  Since CedarS Camps is a spiritually-based activity, we can bring that activity with us wherever we go.  Then we're not just trying to re-create camp at home, we're applying the truths we use at camp to our experiences at home.  We're simply living Christian Science.
Mrs. Eddy didn't know about summer camps, but she did understand the vision of a harmonious existence initiated by the activity of Truth, Life, and Love (S25, S26).  Love is the answer, as so many have said throughout the centuries.  But not just human goodness-no, we're talking about divine Love itself-God.  As we have one God, we will learn to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Every problem in human experience can be healed through love (S27).  The tribal sense of God reinforced tribal differences.  This, in turn, reinforced beliefs in more than one God.  But when we realize there is only one God, we can logically conclude that there is only one tribe-one family of man (S28).  Our Leader felt that as humanity rises higher, everyone is drawn to the one God (S29).  To answer those who think that such a peaceful existence is too idealistic, the textbook assures us that even “a degree” of understanding has the power to destroy fear and plant our feet “in the true path” (S30).  Our Lesson finishes with the encouraging statement that “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way.”  That sounds pretty promising to me.  So regardless of how severe your situation might seem or how far you've seemed to stray, you can be sure that the tender Shepherd-divine Love-will bring you, and the whole world, safely home.

[PSST-Be “armed” with an “all and nothing” Love! 5th s., S-22]

Possible Sunday School Topics by Merrill Boudreaux [& Warren]
for the Christian Science Bible Lesson: “Love” for August 1, 2010
P.S.S.T. – Golden Text  (GT) — Contemplate the simple phrase in the GT and feel the power in those words.  Answer the question, What cannot the Lord do?  Notice the first two words, “I am”; when capitalized as “I Am” those are the same two words God used to identify God’s self to Moses elsewhere in the Book of Exodus in the Bible to help Moses with a BIG HEALING, freeing the children of Israel from bondage.  What are the present-day healings needed by our world?  List them.  Now apply God’s law to each one as we work through the rest of the lesson.
P.S.S.T. — Responsive Reading (RR)– Identity the healing aspects in the RR:
…fear thou not
…I am with thee
…I will restore health unto thee
…ye shall be my people
…I will be your God
…I will be the God of all
Hear the word of the Lord
…there is hope in thine end
…they shall fear no more
These statements among others can be applied to issues, to our thoughts as we consider any problem or issue to be healed. These thoughts can shape our prayers- – try them, and remember there are no formulas for prayer, inspiration will guide you.
P.S.S.T. – Section 1 – The act of David against Uriah was wrong.  What were the elements of David’s prayer in B-5?  Did God answer David?  List the statements of truth in S-1 that can be applied to one seeking reform or change of heart or thought.
P.S.S.T. – Section 2 – Can any be separated from God?  Can any be lost to God?  See the parable in B-9.  What is a parable?  Why did Jesus often use stories containing rural, pastoral, or farming or village-like images?  Jesus healed how?  Ask students to memorize in S-9: 476:32-5.
P.S.S.T. – Section 3 – What is the result of seeking the Lord in B-10?  Was that result for Jesus’ time only?  Ask students to read aloud Psalm 23 in
B-11 or read the entire Psalm from the Bible.  What are the ever-available healing truths in this Psalm?  What, according to this Psalm, is always following you?  What casteth out any and all fear?  See S-14.  OK then, “Be not afraid”.
P.S.S.T. – Section 4 – Ask students to memorize S-15: 494:10-11.  How does Divine Love meet every human need?  Could it be in, as, and through man or the manifestation of every idea God created?  Then you have a role to play during every contact you have with another of God’s ideas or creations.  What do you suppose that role to be?  See B-17 for the New Commandment answer.
P.S.S.T. – Section 5 – In B-18 we read, “…God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world….”  If not to condemn then it must be to Bless.  One could conclude that what God hath blessed no one can condemn or curse, and if God does not curse it and if God blesses it, then all must see the blessing.  What are the two cardinal points or blessings which have and are to bless you and all mankind in S-22?  “…the nothingness of material life and intelligence and the mighty actuality of all-inclusive God, good.”  Apply these two cardinal points or blessings to any of the problems identified in the GT & RR section of these notes.
[In the musical “Oklahoma” a fiancé is asked: “Is it all or nothing with you? . . . It can’t be in between. It can’t be now and then. No half and half romance will do.” Our love for God should be “all out”–like divine Love is for us. To be “armed … with Love”–like Jesus was–our prayers should be all and nothing: “…the mighty actuality of all-inclusive God, good … the nothingness of material life and intelligence”. See also Craig Ghislin’s “met.”]
P.S.S.T. – Section 6 – Rejoice that you have been given, in advance of others, Christian Science, with which you have absolute power and certainty of healing.  Do you know where the words in Micah, B-24 -v.3 are inscribed in our country?  On a sculpture across the street from the United Nations building in New York City.  Since our God is One God, the Great I Am, and our God is Infinite, and our God is Love, and our God is All Powerful, what cannot God, Love do?  Read together S-27: 340: 23-29.  List the healing and saving truths in that passage:
One infinite God, good
…unifies men and nations
…ends wars
…annihilates…whatever is wrong
…equalizes the sexes
…annuls the curse on man
List also the result when all-powerful Love is welcomed into our lives from S-30 – line 18:
Love inspires
…leads the way
These are among Love’s blessings on all Her children indeed.  Make your own gratitude list of Love’s blessings evidenced in your life. Then rejoice!!! [This is the third R as spelled out in Scott Shivers’ Practitioner talk to CedarS on Monday morning. Just click here to listen in to Reject, Replace, Rejoice! For 7-26-10]

[CedarS weekly Metaphysical Newsletters are provided at no charge to the 1,200 campers and staff who were blessed last summer at CEDARS–as well as to thousands of CEDARS alumni, families, Sunday School teachers and friends who request it, or who find it weekly on our website or through CS Directory. But, current and planned gifts are much-needed: to cover the costs of running this “free” service; to provide camperships for ongoing inspirational opportunities; and to complete Stages 1 & 2 of Bible Lands Park (BLP) Your support is always tax-deductible and welcomed–but during the economic downturn, your help has been and continues to be especially needed and appreciated!

Our top need is to put our efforts and money where our mission is–by raising–and spending–significant dollars to underwrite camperships for hundreds of campers still applying for aid.

Please help us tell any and all Christian Science Sunday School students and families who you know that there will be plenty of funds available to help them to have their own CedarS Camps spiritual-growth-experience -even yet this summer! CedarS last one-week session (August 8-14) still has room and camperships available! You can email us about it or call us today 417-532-6699. (There are still a few places left in our Family Camp, Aug. 15-20, and our Midwest Bible Conference, Sept. 16-19, 2010!)

To support CedarS work you can make a charitable donation to our 501C-3 tax-exempt, charitable organization:
1) Thank you for considering writing a monthly check payable to CedarS Camps and mailing it to: CedarS Camps, 19772 Sugar Drive, Lebanon, MO 65536; or
2) Thank you for calling Warren or Gay Huff at (636) 394-6162 to charge your gift or to authorize an automatic monthly charge using a Visa or Mastercard or to discuss short-term or long-term gifts of securities or property you are considering; or
3) CLICK HERE RIGHT AWAY TO SUPPORT CEDARS WORK with an online gift using, which can be funded using a Visa or Mastercard account.]

[Camp Director's Note: This sharing is the latest in an ongoing, 10-year series of CedarS Bible Lesson “Mets” (Metaphysical application ideas) contributed weekly by a rotation of CedarS Resident Practitioners and occasionally by other metaphysicians. (To keep the flow of the practitioner's ideas intact and to allow for more selective printing “Possible Sunday School Topics” come in a subsequent email.) These weekly offerings are intended to encourage further study and application of ideas in the lesson and to invigorate Sunday School participation by students and by the budding teachers on our staff. Originally sent JUST to my Sunday School students and to campers, staff and CedarS families who wanted to continue at home and in their home Sunday Schools the same type of focused Lesson study, application and inspiration they had felt at camp, CedarS lesson “mets” are in no way meant to be definitive or conclusive or in any way a substitute for daily study of the lesson. The thoughts presented are the inspiration of the moment and are offered to give a bit more dimension and background as well as new angles (and angels) on the daily applicability of some of the ideas and passages being studied. The weekly Bible Lessons are copyrighted by the Christian Science Publishing Society and are printed in the Christian Science Quarterly as available at Christian Science Reading Rooms or online at or The citations referenced (i.e.B-1 and S-28) from this week's Bible Lesson in the “Met” (Metaphysical application ideas) are taken from the Bible (B-1 thru B-24) and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (S-1 thru S-30). The Bible and Science and Health are the ordained pastor of the Churches of Christ, Scientist. The Bible Lesson is the sermon read in Christian Science church services throughout the world. The Lesson-Sermon speaks individually through the Christ to everyone, providing unique insights and tailor-made applications for each one. We are glad you requested this metaphysical sharing and hope that you find some of the ideas helpful in your daily spiritual journey, in your deeper digging in the books and in closer bonding with your Comforter and Pastor.]
Warren Huff, Executive Director
American Camp Association

(November - May)
410 Sovereign Court #8
Ballwin, MO 63011
(636) 394-6162

(Memorial Day Weekend - October)
19772 Sugar Dr.
Lebanon, MO 65536
(417) 532-6699

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