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Ken Cooper’s POETIC POSTLUDE shares poetry inspired by the Bible stories in this week’s Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson:

or Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Reality does not change, or take time to arrive. It is. The light of understanding is faster than 186,000 miles per second! It is the immediacy of now. The reality of salvation is not in the future, – it is now and can be seen with open eyes! This light of understanding belongs to all of us, and the darkness has disappeared!


1 Thessalonians 5:5         For all of you are the children of light, children who belong in the day. We are not of the night nor do we belong to darkness.


2 Corinthians 6:2           God says, “When the right time came, I listened to you, and when you needed help, I came and was there to save you.” Behold and understand! That time is always now. This is always the moment, right now, the day of your salvation and freedom.

The sixth tenet is clear “And we solemnly promise to watch,” – what are we watching, seeing, Reality or Unreality? Truth or error? Fact or fable? And for how long are we expected to watch? Alpha and Omega is the beginning and end, the recognition that right now is the instance in which we live, – the I AM THAT I AM, all-inclusive, perfect, NOW, for God dwells in the present, as do we, at one. (See Craig Ghislin’s metaphysical article, Section 4). No burdensome history, no fearful future, no chronic illness, no forecast of fate. Reality is the glorious constant now of I AM and ME (Mind Expressed) TOO.

Click “Stand in purest light”  Christian Science Journal poem

Watching from the standpoint of light, that is all we can see. Light is what we are, – the joy of being and seeing. As we live in the now, and right now we are at one with God, that now never changes. Feel the Love, know that God is thinking what you are, and we are therefore always in His consciousness, as His consciousness.

“Thy love doth e’er surround me,

I stand in purest light.”

The infinity of God is the constant light of understanding, which we all share. The purity of the light is so important too, – when we watch, impure thought cannot get near. The purity of the light is our guarantee of present perfection. Jesus always beheld the purity of creation, this was the healing Christ, present now.

Click  “Ye are the Light of the World”

 As children of light, we have a clear purpose: ”Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

The utterance of Love “Let there be light” is like the ten commandments, – all statements of fact when we look at what is Reality.

“Let there be light.”

Infinite Love illumines eternity.

 Light and Love go hand in hand: they are inseparable. They both have the quality of warmth, the comfort that all needs are understood and met before they are needs! We are the light of Infinite Love.

 “I am an eternal candle, always alight!

My flame does not consume or burn, but ever-gleams,

Glowing with the glory of God,

Radiating His warmth,”


What a privilege we all have:






“Children of light, you are not children of darkness. Let your light shine. Keep in mind the foundations of Christian Science — one God and one Christ. Keep personality out of sight, and Christ’s “Blessed are ye” will seal your apostleship.”  (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 191:9). Our apostleship is in shining with good works, starting each day knowing our candle is lit, that we are at one with the Light. God has lit and is holding our candle, each one of us, placing us as Mind directs. In humility, we follow. We are God’s being.

Click “What matters now”    Christian Science Sentinel poem

John was in Patmos when he had his vision, but what he saw was not confined to where he was! Truth is infinite, everywhere, and the beauty of his vision was that his vision was not far off, but the reality of now. He saw what is! And if he saw it, so can we. The now of then is the now of now! Alpha and Omega never changes.

“You are what God is knowing—now.

              The truth of your real being!”

 This present fact has always been true. What God knows is all there is to know. In perfection there is no shadow, – only the glorious light of God’s being and our being, all at one together.

Click “Perfect Peace”


“Be still.

 See and feel Love’s perfect light shining right now: darkness is no more.”

When we are still, we can feel and know the presence of Reality. When Jesus calmed the storm at sea, he was only aware of the presence of Love, Mind, Soul, – because that is all there was. His disciples were afraid, – not still! Stillness is the acknowledgement and confidence of omnipotence, strength.

“Creation is embraced in both the strength and softness of our Father-Mother,

Borne safely in our Father’s mighty arms,

Conscious only of our Mother’s tender Love.”

 When we are conscious of reality, the lies of unreality have no foothold. Perfection is unaware of imperfection for there is none, as in light there is no dark.

 “Love sets the standard of our perfection, and its warm light is shining everywhere.”

 We are the consciousness of Love, inseparable from our Father / Mother, at peace in God’s kingdom within.

 “Perfect Love is man’s perfect peace.”


Bible verses are taken from my combined translations, a free copy of which is available on an excel spreadsheet for those who may be interested. The spreadsheet also includes a genealogy from Adam to Jesus, with related notes. Shared with love. Write to Ken on

Copies of these poems are available in pdf format in color and B&W as DOWNLOADS at the bottom of the online version of this Poetic Prelude to this week’s Bible Lesson. The full range of Ken’s videos on YouTube can be found on KenGCooperPoetry.  All Ken’s poetry and other writings can be found on Ken Cooper Poetry. (Links work on Metaphysical page).

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